James and the Giant Peach

The film is based off a young child who goes to live with his abusive aunts after his parents are killed, the only company he has is insects the will later grow to become giant like him and the peach. The peach grows due to a magic worm given to James by a creepy man that lurked nearby.

From the abusive and cruel upbringing of James and the graphic deaths of those around him it could be interpreted for young teens, however a older audience would also fit but due to its aim by the author which is mostly a young audience so its most likely not.

The author himself is Roald Darl and has made a large collection of books mostly directed for children. This is not implemented well as most of his books have a dark underlining but with a somewhat happy ending for the most part, this is because of his dark past that has references within his work.

Image result for james and the giant peach book cover
Provides content of the book without spoiling context which lures in the reader.

The cover coveys colour in which you would expect of the peach and also is in the classic Roald Dahl style, this is a way to show who made and what is in the book. However the cover is somewhat misleading because the story is not directly about the cover and instead is a ending scene. This could help with ideas and concepts for the creation of a new cover, this is as it gives off vibes of the authors work with just the style so this means that making it in his classic style would be a good implementation.

This cover is not as iconic as the rest of the covers that have been made, over covers have bright colours that bring in reads however this piece only has bland and uninteresting approach to the book. The only good thing that could be said is that it looks like a old book as it was that is close to the original and that it hits the mark on what the story is about, the visuals are what you would expect from the book and allows for imagination to take place when viewing the cover.

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This has to be the worst imaginal cover to have for this book, the only thing that coveys the contents of the book is the beach but its all covered with the too hard shade of red that spreads across the cover. The image is too realistic that is a far impression that comes from the book and and the writing is too bold and stiff, this almost makes it look like Russian propaganda with its red and similar looking style of writing. If I was to improve it the first thing would be the colour, the . hard red does not suit the cover of a children’s book and looks more realistic which is for older audiences. As well as not following the same scheme as other items or objects within the book as peach which would be a orange pink look.

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First of all the style of the cover is well done as it does not look too childish or too realistic and old, this shows that the book can be picked up by any age. The design also reveals the gigantic insects within the peach before James goes within, this happens within the story showing subtle hints to what happens which does not spoil the story. The colours also fit well with the cover representing the actual colours of what is presented to not bring confusion.

Image result for james and the giant peach covers

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I made this cover based on the contents of the book and film, I used main story points such as the peach going from the house and floating towards the Empire state building. The text which I used was to bring out the nature of the book, the title represented what it said while the back cover had more serious style to do with the serious issues that happened at the house in the background. Each colour was also based on items and contents within the book too, such as the sky fading into a peach colour.

There was a piece of criticism on my cover however, I had forgotten to size the Empire State building to cover only the front page. All I needed to do to get mine the building fitted in to the front page.

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